Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

i-concrete help 

Definition of the geometry

How can I modify geometric element that I have created on screen?

All geometric elements can be interactively modified, edited and deleted. To do this, you first need to understand how iMesh works. Because it has many tools, the applet cannot know what you intend to do: do you want to move a node, add a force to it, delete it, or delete the area that goes through it. All these actions are possible, but not at the same time.

The applet works in various modes: when one mode is selected, only actions relative to that mode can be performed:

Node Mode

The following actions are possible in node mode:

Area Mode

The following actions are possible in area mode:

Rebar mode

The rebar mode works in a very similar manner than the area mode. Please refer to the explanations relative to areas for more information. The only difference is that rebars need not to be closed (although they may be), so finishing the input of a rebar (by a right click) will not add a closing node.