Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

i-concrete help 

Definition of materials

I would like to use other material properties than proposed by the Geometry and Materials window. How can I do this?

To do this you will need to manually edit the iMesh file you are working on. But this is not difficult. Just to be sure, though, save your work before staring.

Press the button to show the iMesh data. Scroll down until you find the *MATERIAL keyword. The following lines contain the available geometries for the current structure. The syntax is very simple: material number,material behavior,yield stress,modulus of elasticity,Poisson’s ratio.

You may change the presently defined values or add new ones. Just make sure not to delete the entries number 1 and 11 that are used as default values for triangular elements and rebars in the applet. But you do not need to use them.

You can find more detail on the *MATERIAL option in the description of the iMesh input file.