Online help for the iMesh Applet

Online help for the iMesh Applet

i-concrete help 

Online help for the iMesh Applet

What is iMesh ?

iMesh is a Java applet, that is a computer program that runs within a web browser, without necessitating an installation. It is rather fast and efficient and is meant to be used rapidly as part the teaching and exercise activities.

The purpose of the iMesh program is to model two-dimensional bodies and to create a Finite Element Mesh suitable for input a Finite Element program. The companion applet iConc is the primary target, but iMesh can also produce input files for other formats.


There is a bug in the current version of iMesh: if one of the coordinates of your data points exceeds the range from -8000 to +8000, the triangulation will fail. This can be avoided by using appropriate units, for example working in meters instead of millimeters.

Available help

The following resources are available for help: