Online help for the iMesh Applet

Online help for the iMesh Applet

i-concrete help 

List of iMesh buttons

Open input file
Save iMesh file. When Shift is pressed, saves iConc file.
Display or hide the background image
Screen scaling. When this button is pressed, the status bar shows . Simply edit the proposed value (10.0) to the length you desire, then press and hold the mouse button down on the first point of the reference segment that has this length, then drag the mouse to the end of the reference segment. Upon releasing the mouse, the scaling will be complete.
Forces scaling (only changes the display, not the value of the forces)
Use this function as the Zoom button : clicking on the screen increases the size of all forces, Shift-clicking decreases the size of all forces. Press again on the Forces scaling button to exit that mode.
Zoom: click on the screen (Shift-click to unzoom, Ctrl-click to pan). Can be performed also by using the middle mouse roller.
Shows the input file of the iMesh applet. Can be modified and input directly into the applet.
Pressing Shift: shows the mesh input file to the iConc or iMesh applet, or the ANSYS FE program, depending on the FE Program option selected below the applet. This input can be manually copied and pasted into iConc (menu ModelInput)
Node tool: When active, allows nodes to be created, moved, merged and erased. Nodes outside the structure (outside areas, or within holes) will be ignored when generating the Finite Element mesh file.
Polyline tool: A polyline is a polygonal line which will be interpreted as follows during meshing: no element edge will cross the polyline. Nodes will be added along the segments of the polyline to ensure that behavior. Polyline are helpful to guarantee that nodes are present along certain lines or curves, but also for the definition of finer meshes in the vicinity of singularity points.
When starting a polyline from an existing area, polyline, rebar or interface, a shift-Click is required.
Area tool: Used to define areas of the structure. Inputting an area within another area lead to a hole if the two areas have identical geometric and material properties, or just an area of different properties
Reinforcing bar (rebar) tool: Used to input a reinforcing bar. If a reinforcing bar crosses a hole of the structure, it will not be created, UNLESS both the exiting and reentering points are points defined by the user.
 When starting a rebar from an existing area, polyline, rebar or interface, a shift-Click is required.
Interface line: An interface line is a line along which the mesh is split. Identical, but distinct nodes are created on either side of the interface, in effect creating a crack within the body. The starting and ending nodes of the interface are not doubled, except if the last node is on the edge of an area. In this case, a duplicate node is also generated. An interface is seen as a crack by iConc. Other programs may provide means to relate the node movements on either side of the crack, for example to allow sliding in soil mechanics.
 When starting an interface from an existing area, polyline, rebar or interface, a shift-Click is required.
Support tool: Used to define supports for the structure. Supports can only be applied to nodes. If no node is found when the user clicks, a new node is automatically created and the support is applied to it. Fixed support : simple click Horizontally sliding support : Ctrl + click Vertically sliding support : Shift + click
Force input tool. Used to define loads applied to the structures Forces can only be applied to nodes. If no node is found when the user clicks, a new node is automatically created and the force is applied to it. The amplitude and orientation of the load is defined in the input line ate the bottom of the screen : means that the force has an amplitude of 0.1 and an orientation at 90° downward from the horizontal. The text can be edited for other values. Alternatively, the input can also be made in Cartesian coordinates: creates a force pointing upwards at 45° to the right.
Assignation of geometric and material properties to Area and Rebar elements. First select the elements, then press this button to assign the desired properties to the elements.
Numbering button. Activates and deactivates the display of numbering for the various elements of the applet, depending on the input button selected. For example, if the Node button is displayed, then numbers of the nodes input by the user are shown on the screen. If the Node and the Mesh buttons are selected, then all node numbers are shown.
Mesh button. Activates and deactivates the mesh generation. When active, shows the current mesh.
Delete button : Deletes the selected elements. Deletes nodes when in node mode, etc.
iConc linear elastic button : starts the iConc applet with the current geometry and loads. The calculation will be linear elastic.
iConc button : starts the iConc applet with the current geometry and loads. The calculation will be non linear, with no tensile capacity for concrete, and limited capacities for concrete in compression and steel in tension and compression. If no mesh was displayed, if the structure is instable or cannot be calculated otherwise, the iConc applet will not show. If the Shift button is pressed, iConc is started to perform a linear elastic calculation.
iOpt button : starts the iOpt applet with the current geometry and loads. The calculation will be non linear, with no tensile capacity for concrete, and limited capacities for concrete in compression and steel in tension and compression. If no mesh was displayed, if the structure is instable or cannot be calculated otherwise, the iOpt applet will not show.
Help button: starts this help file. This requires that popups from the i-concrete web sites be allowed in your browser