Tutorial 1 for iMesh

Tutorial 1 for iMesh

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What will you learn in this tutorial?

The goal of this tutorial is to familiarize you with the basics of the iMesh and iConc applets. After this tutorial which should take you about 50 minutes to solve, you will already be able to understand the basics of the Finite Element mesh generation process, and to calculate relatively complex structures. You will be able to use it independently to generate and calculate your own structures. If you are a Civil Engineer, this tutorial should be sufficient to help you start using iMesh and iConc to evaluate your own structural designs.

The aim of this tutorial is not to show you all the capacities of the two applets, neither to help you solve all potential problems that you may encounter. Rather, we encourage you to work it through as rapidly as possible. Should you encounter a problem at some point, the best solution is likely to just start over again, either from scratch or from an intermediate version that you may have saved already.

Should you encounter serious problems in following the instructions of this tutorial, you should then turn to the frequently asked questions page for the iMesh applet.

Before your start

Here are a couple points that you need to know before you start using this tutorial: