Tutorial 1 for iMesh

Tutorial 1 for iMesh

i-concrete help 

Uploading the background image

In order to simply work with the input that is given in Figure 1, we need use it as our background image for the applet. Here is how you can do it: right-click on the image of Figure 1 and save it to your local disk, for example on your desktop. Now go to the Image upload page of the web site (just click on its name) and select the file that you just saved (it is named iM01-1_01_e.gif by default, but you may of course rename it at your leisure). Once the file is visible in the list of your current image files, click on it and then select the Visualize button. When you see it properly on screen, press the iMesh button and this will directly open the iMesh applet with your image as background. What you should see on screen looks approximately as what is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Applet iMesh started with the beam as background image