Tutorial 1 for iMesh

Tutorial 1 for iMesh

i-concrete help 

Doing your first calculation: a linear elastic solution

The input that we now have is already sufficient to be able to perform a first calculation. Of course, many points need to the further looked as in detail, but it is nonetheless possible to have a first look at how the iConc program works. To initiate a linear elastic solution, first make sure that you have the Finite Element Mesh displayed (it necessary, press the button), then press the button. After pressing the , what will happen depends on your web browser and you have configured it: either a new window will appear with the title iConc, or a new tab will be created under that same name. Just look at that window at the present time. You should see what is shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13: Applet iConc showing the Finite Element mesh, the supports and the loads

Deflected shape of the structures

The deflected shape is the way the structure deforms under the loads. To activate this display, open the menu ResultsDeformed of the iConc applet. What you should see is more or less what is shown in Figure 14a. Of course, the deflections of a concrete beam are very small, perhaps a couple millimetres or centimetres. To be able to see the deflected shape, it is necessary to greatly enlarge the deflections. This is done by pressing the right mouse button and pushing up on the screen (Fig. 14b). You can repeat that movement to further enlarge the deflected shape. Conversely, pressing the right mouse button and dragging it downward on the screen reduces the scaling factor.

a) Amplified deflected shape b) Further amplified deflected shape

14: Deflected shape of the structure under the loads