User's guide to jconc/iconc

User's guide to jconc/iconc

i-concrete help 

User interface

After the solution has completed, the program starts a graphical window that displays the mesh, applied loads and boundary conditions on the structure. Other views can be called by using the menu system at the top left of the screen.

File Open This option only functions when jconc is used as an applet.
In this case, a list of files saved on the i-concrete server appears, from which the user can select the file to open.
Save This option only functions when jconc is used as an applet.
In this case, a file box appears, allowing the user to save the file on the i-concrete server.
Model Thickness Thickness solid Shows the Finite Element Mesh with color-coded representation of the thickness of surface elements.
Thickness Bar Thickness: shows the thickness of the bars proportionally. Color: shows color-coded thickness of the bars.
Material Material solid Shows the Finite Element Mesh with color-coded representation of material for surface elements.
Material Bar Shows the Finite Element Mesh with color-coded representation of material for bar elements.
Mesh Shows the Finite Element Mesh with applied loads and boundary conditions.
Select Element/Elements Allows to select elements to be highlighted.
Input... Displays a window containing the input file for the current calculation. The content can be modified (for instance the number of iterations to perform) or another input file can be pasted on top of the current one and executed by selecting the Generate from input button. To cancel this operations, close the window using the cross at the top right.
Results Deformed Shows the deformed structure. See Interactive scaling to see how the scale can be changed.
Relative stresses Shows the stresses in the surface and bar elements. See Interactive scaling to see how the scale can be changed.
Concrete relative stresses Varying length Shows the stresses in the surface elements. See Interactive scaling to see how the scale can be changed.
Varying length with gradient Shows the stresses in the surface elements, along with a gradient scale for the relative stress in the concrete. The gradient can be shown either as Smooth or Discrete. See Interactive scaling to see how the scale can be changed.
Steel relative stresses Shows the relative stresses in the bar elements. See Interactive scaling to see how the scale can be changed.
Steel forces Shows the forces in the bar elements. See Interactive scaling to see how the scale can be changed.
Cable forces Shows the forces in the cable elements. See Interactive scaling to see how the scale can be changed.
Concrete Plots Epsilon 1 Shows the largest principal strain in the surface elements.
Epsilon 2 Shows the smallest principal strain in the surface elements.
Stress 1 Shows the largest principal stress in the surface elements.
Stress 2 Shows the smallest principal strain in the surface elements.
Bar Plots Strain Shows the strain in the bar elements.
Stress Shows the stress in the bar elements.
Forces Shows the force in the bar elements.
Cable Plots Strain Shows the strain in the cable elements.
Stress Shows the stress in the cable elements.
Forces Shows the force in the cable elements.
Eta 2 Eta 2 Shows the eta2 factor for the surface elements.
Eta 2 with gradient Shows the eta2 factor for the surface elements with a graduated scale for the value of eta2. This scale can either have a Smooth or Discrete gradient
Listing Nodes Shows a window in which the node numbers and coordinate are shown.
Elements Shows a window in which the element numbers and properties are shown.
Forces Shows a window in which the applied loads are shown.
Concrete Shows a window in which the strains and stresses in the surface elements are shown.
Bar Shows a window in which the strains and stresses in the bar elements are shown.
Cable Shows a window in which the strains and stresses in the cable elements are shown.
Reactions Shows a window in which the reactions at boundary conditions are shown.
Messages New since version 1.07 Shows important messages displayed by the program while it was running. Gives information on available memory, computation parameters and convergence of the calculation. Also displays messages explaining why a calculation may have failed.
Complete listing Shows a concatenation of all results above.