User's guide to jconc/iconc

User's guide to jconc/iconc

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Note: programming requires a running Java programming environment and the full source code for jconc. The original version of the program was developed with the Java 1.4.2_11 SDK. More recent versions of the compiler work also, although some warnings may appear because of subsequent changes in the Java language specification. The very good Java programming environment NetBeans can be freely downloaded. is the main program of the jconc program. When given no input parameter (or only the language), jconc defaults to executing the computeModel() function of the in the net.cercis.jconc.ui folder. Using the existing function as a model, and provided that the programmer has a good understanding of the inner workings of jconc and a moderate competence in Java programming, other structures can be modelled and calculated. This is rarely used nowadays, as using input files is more flexible and allows a more efficient storage of calculations and their results.