This section gives information on the most significant changes made from one version to the next.
1.13 January 2015 |
- Added steelLinSoft material properties for concrete in spalling zones
1.10 September 2011 |
- Cleanup of the material input procedure. All types of materials known to jconc can now be read in the input file. For example, concrete with limited tensile strength (concWithfct) or compression-only materials (compOnly) can now be used. See the material section for reference to all the available properties.
- A lot of other changes on the inside of the program. The “Model” – “Input” function now really works for all input types and allows quickly changing some parameters and to save the input file for further use.
- The use of double precision numbers has been generalized for material properties, loads and boundary conditions. Floating point numbers are still used for node coordinates.
- Expansion of this help file to include a full syntax of the jconc input file.
1.09 July 2011 |
- Adds the possibility to define the strain hardening modulus for steel and cable elements as the last element on the input line
1.08 July 2011 |
- Bugfix version, that only fixes a bug in the display of bar stresses
1.07 November 2009 |
- Introduced a number of internal checks to avoid the program to fail disgracefully when encountering memory allocation problems. The program now displays at startup time the available memory and, if memory allocation fails, gives an indication on the amount of memory required to run the current job.
- An automatic check is performed at startup to check if all nodes are connected to at least one element. An unconnected node usually causes errors in the program. If unconnected nodes are detected, a message is issued and the solution is not run. Removing the unconnected nodes from the input file will allow the calculation to be performed.
- If errors are detected in the initial phase of the program, the FE mesh is displayed, but no results (deflections, stresses, etc. are available). In this case check for the messages issued by the program.
- New, more compact output of messages summarizing the progress of the calculations. Can easily be imported into a spreadsheet for convergence analysis.
- The messages issued by the program during its run are now available for display in the “Listing” – “Messages” menu. They are also automatically output in the output file name_messages.txt file if the –print option was selected. This file also lists the command-line parameters (if any) used when running the job.
- A new output is available under the “Listing” – “Complete listing” option, to conveniently see all parameters and results of the calculation in a single output. This can also be obtained by using the printall command-line parameter.
- The format of the files outputted by the print and printall commands has been adapted to be conveniently opened in Notepad.
1.06 September 2009 |
- This version includes a large number of improvements over version 1.05, especially in the field of the user interface. Additional scaling and control options were made available in interactive mode. Additionally, corresponding command-line parameters are available to reach similar results in batch mode.
- Options to facilitate running the applet in batch mode were added (-nodisplay, -closeplot).
- A first version of this help file was created and made available on the web site.
- Rounding errors in the “Input file” option of the “Model” menu were solved.
- The rightmost menu option “Jconc 1.06” was added to explicitly display the name of the program and the version being used. The “Help” menu item was added to point to the present help file. This only works for the applet version of the program. In “program mode”, however, the full web address of the page is listed in the console.