User's guide to jconc/iconc

User's guide to jconc/iconc

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Running jconc as a program champo

jconc is a Java program that can run as a standalone application.
It requires that a recent version of the java runtime environment be installed on your computer and that the path to the java environment be placed in your system's path.

How to obtain jconc.jar

The program jconc.jar can be simply downloaded by clicking on this link and by saving the file to your local disk. Unzip its contents in a folder of your choice. You should obtain the jconc.jar file and a folder containing four library files.

As new versions are available, make sure that you download again jconc.jar.

Starting jconc.jar

The program can be run by simply issuing the command java -jar jconc.jar in a command window.

If necessary, the path to the jconc jar file can be included, as for example

java -jar c:\programs\java\jconc.jar.

When run without and additional parameters, jconc will be started using the model contained in the computeModel function of the file For more details on programming, see Programming When run with the additional parameter -i <file name>, the programm will read and interpret the contents of the input file and perform the corresponding calculations. See the command-line parameters section to see all possible options.