User's guide to jconc/iconc

User's guide to jconc/iconc

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Command-line parameters

jconc accepts a number of command-line parameters that control the way the program is running. Command-line parameters, if they are used, override the corresponding commands in the input file.

The syntax of the command-line parameters is the following:

java -jar jconc.jar -parametername parameter_value

The parameter name can be taken from the table below. Some parameters take a value, others do not. You may use any number of parameters and values.

parameter name parameter value Comment
-i Name of the jconc input file.
May include a fully qualified path.
Valid input file may be directly created by the iMesh applet of the i-concrete web site.
-l Language Name of the language for the user interface of jconc Occasional problems with accentuated characters. Best to stick with the default English version.
-name Specifies the output file name. Default value is input file name If the given name includes a \, the output files will be placed in the corresponding folder (make sure to include a fully qualified path!). Otherwise, the output files will be placed in the same folder than the input files. Useful when varying the amplitude of the loads. Otherwise, all output files have the same name and earlier files will be overwritten!
-print No value. Creates the following text output files : output file name_bars.txt : list of bar elements results output file name_cables.txt : list of cable elements results output file name_conc.txt : list of concrete elements results output file name_elem.txt : element properties and connectivity output file name_forces.txt : list of applied forces output file name_node.txt : list of nodes and their coordinates output file name_reactions.txt : list of reactions at applied boundary conditions output file name_messages.txt : running messages displayed during the execution of the program. New in version 1.07.
-printall Outputs all results of the print command in a single file named output file name_all.txt
-scaleforces Factor to scale the forces in the input file Only scales the forces in the "zero" group, i. e. loads that are not assigned to a specific load group (see below).
-scaleforcegroups group name,load factor for group name; Factors to scale group of forces in the input file. Pairs of factor are separated by ; Independently scales the forces of the named groups. Do not put a ; at the end of the sequence.
-iterations Number of iterations Allows to start with coarse calculations and to then refine them when coming closer to the ultimate load.
-plottype Specifies the type of graphical output file: png, eps or all for both formats. Defaults to png
-width Specifies the width of the interactive display, in pixels. Default 800. This value will also be used for output files (png or eps) made interactively. The dimensions of the graphical output files remain set at 1000 x 1000 pixels.
-height Specifies the height of the interactive display, in pixels. Default 600. This value will also be used for output files (png or eps) made interactively. The dimensions of the graphical output files remain set at 1000 x 1000 pixels.
-stroke Specifies the stroke width for the stress vectors. Defaults to zero (thin line). Useful values in the range of 1-10.
-minStressLevel Specifies minimum concrete stress level above which stress vectors are drawn. Range [0,1], default 0. Useful when set at about 0.1, in which case stress levels lower than 10 % of the concrete strength are not displayed.
-maxLenVec Specifies the maximum length of stress vectors in the drawing (in pixels). Default -1 means no limitation. Useful to avoid displaying extra-large stress vectors in local areas. When simultaneously increasing the stress scaling, leads to plots in which all stress vectors have the same length.
-noShade Disables shading of concrete elements according to the level of stresses. Useful when plots become too dense.
-plot output quantity,factor 1,factor 2;(may be repeated) Possible values for output quantity: - mesh : Finite Element mesh, no parameter - defo : Deformed structure, one parameter : scale factor - stress : Stresses,two parameters: concrete scale factor and steel scale factor - eta1 : Deformation of the element, no parameter - eta2 : Deformation of the element, no parameter - s1Conc : principal stress sigma 1, no parameter - s2Conc : principal stress sigma 2,no parameter - forceBars : force in reinforcing bars, no parameter - forceCables : force in cables, no parameter - stressCables, stress in cables, no parameter
parameters below are not recommended - s1, no parameter - s2, no parameter - eps1, no parameter - eps2, no parameter - epsConc, no parameter - epsBar, no parameter - forBar, no parameter - s1Cab, no parameter - epsCab, no parameter - forCab, no parameter
Important: do not include any space in the parameter value. Values in a group are separated by commas (,), groups of values are separated by semicolons (;). Do not end by a semicolon. factor 1 and factor 2 may be omitted. Parameter factor 1 is the multiplying factor for most values (where it makes sense). It is the multiplying factor for concrete stress values. Parameter factor 2 is the multiplying factor for steel stress values
-closeplot Automatically closes the graphical output window Allows the program to be used in a batch file.
Important: in a batch file, use the line
start /wait java -jar ... -closeplot If you do not use start /wait, all your jconc calculations will run simultaneously. Note: if you use a multiprocessor machine, you can organize your command file to run two or more instances of jconc in parallel on the available processors. The time gained is not enormous, but measurable.
-nodisplay Does not show the graphical output window. Allows the program to run invisibly in a batch file. Important: in a batch file, use the line
start /wait javah -jar ... -nodisplay See remark on -closeplot When -nodisplay is selected, -closeplot is added automatically.
-showargs Shows a list of the input parameters Useful when debugging an input command.